
    "Lazzaro Felice" (Happy as Lazzaro) is a 2018 Italian drama film directed by Alice Rohrwacher. It tells the story of a young peasant named Lazzaro who lives in an isolated rural village and experiences a transformative journey through time and societal changes. 

    Alice Rohrwacher’s direction in "Lazzaro Felice" is characterised by its lyrical and contemplative style. The film unfolds at a gentle pace, mirroring the serene and timeless quality of the rural landscape where Lazzaro lives.  The cinematography by Hélène Louvart is striking in its simplicity and authenticity. The camera often lingers on the faces of the characters, capturing their emotions and inner turmoil. The use of wide shots of the countryside and intimate close-ups of Lazzaro and the other villagers adds to the film’s visual richness. 

    The screenplay, co-written by Alice Rohrwacher and her sister Alba Rohrwacher, is poignant and allegorical. The dialogue is sparse yet meaningful, with characters often communicating through gestures and expressions rather than words. This minimalist approach allows the film to convey its themes of innocence, exploitation, and societal change in a nuanced and evocative manner. The script explores the contrast between Lazzaro’s pure-hearted nature and the greed and corruption of the modern world. Lazzaro’s journey through time—from the isolated village to the bustling city—serves as a metaphor for the passage from innocence to experience.  Lazzaro, portrayed by newcomer Adriano Tardiolo, is the heart and soul of the film. His character is depicted with a childlike innocence and kindness that transcends the harsh realities of his world. 

    The film explores themes of innocence, exploitation, and the passage of time. The film critiques the exploitation of labour and the widening gap between social classes, drawing parallels between Lazzaro’s timeless innocence and the harsh realities of modern capitalism. The theme of transformation is central to the film, as Lazzaro navigates the shifting landscapes of his own life and society. His journey from naivety to a deeper understanding of human nature underscores the film’s exploration of moral and ethical dilemmas.

    In conclusion, "Lazzaro Felice" is a visually stunning and thematically rich film that resonates on multiple levels. Alice Rohrwacher’s direction and Hélène Louvart’s cinematography capture the timeless beauty of the Italian countryside while exploring profound themes of innocence and exploitation. 


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